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About Veronique Vaillancourt ...
From total niche CONFUSION
To complete niche CLARITY...
Don't spend Years in Niche Indecision
like I did...
My name is Veronique
(Rhymes with Very-Neat)
I've been a psychotherapist for 25 years, and TWICE certified Life Coach.
After 17 years as a psychotherapist, I decided to become a life coach.
But... once I was certified, I went round and round and couldn't decide on my niche as a life coach.
I doubted my decisions, was confused and in constant overwhelm about my Niche. I researched and spun my wheels and tried to figure it out. I was scared that I would make a mistake and pick the WRONG NICHE!
I just couldn't decide. I was Queen of Niche Drama for years. I even have a crown to prove it.
So I kept on as a psychotherapist and used my coaching tools with my psychotherapy clients.
Then in 2019 I said enough. I decided to get certified as a Life Coach a second time through a different Life Coach School Program
(That's how bad the Niche Drama had gotten).
But this time I made a promise to myself. I was going to figure out how to end my Niche Drama and solidly commit to my PERFECT NICHE.
It took some hard work on my part. But I did it.
I know your struggle and I have the tools to help. I have worked at getting people's brains unstuck for a quarter of a decade.
I have been there myself.
And I have helped many coaches find their PERFECT NICHE.
I want to share all that I learned with you.
Ready to end your Niche Drama, create Niche Clarity and get going on your dream business?
Despite having the certification, all the tools and having spent countless hours searching for the answer, Niche Drama keeps rearing it's ugly head.
That’s because you never learned how to move from confusion to clarity, specifically as it relates to your Niche.
Get the course and exact steps I learned to move from Niche Confusion to Niche Clarity, right here.
Click above to learn how to
Overcome your Niche Drama so you can get going on your Dream business ASAP!
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