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30 minute mini session with me

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6 Week 1:1 Dial Your Niche NOW Coaching Program

This is a 6 week INDIVIDUAL course where you work just with  to get your Niche Dialed, and Put a plan in place to make your first 100k, it includes Slack channel and lots amazing support! 

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FREE 30-minute Mini Session

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Hydrangea Flowers

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BENEFIT ONE: How to solve so you can have the benefit results you desire

BENEFIT TWO: How to solve so you can have the benefit results you desire

BENEFIT THREE: How to solve so you can have the benefit results you desire

The Five steps to finding My Perfect Niche!


Yes please, send it to me NOW! 


So, you're a Certified Life Coach

You have ALL the your tools, and you are ready to go and help others. 

Just one Problem: 



You just keep going round and round and round. 


You have too many ideas, or you have  none at all, either way you feel STUCK.

 You paid all this money to become a coach, and 

it's not that you haven't really tried.


But you just don't feel 100% sure. 

NOW what?


I can help you end Niche Drama get Complete Niche Clarity.






Is this You? 


You're a Life Coach,  and you're stuck 





Even thinking about choosing a niche leaves you feeling light headed, overwhelmed, confused and a little frustrated. 

You know that you NEED A NICHE.


You know that you should narrow and dial it in but you keep going round and round and round. 


You don't know where to start. 

You have too many ideas, or none at all, or your niche is too vague and you are NOT having a ball.

You really, really have tried.

 You paid all this money to become a coach, NOW what? 

You really just want have to give up. 


I have your Solution!!!!  



I have been there, oh have I been there. Niche drama for many many years!

For real. I get it. 

I'm a life coach twice trained and twice certified. I spent 8 years doing just what you are doing now. 


I started out as a psychotherapist almost 25 years ago. Then I got certified as a life coach in 2012 through Martha Beck International. And then I SPUN. And Spun and Spun and Spun , in confusion and overwhelm (speaking of dizziness!) 


In the meantime I used the coaching tools in my mental health private practice, and keep learning and working with people and their brains. 


Then in 2019 I decided to get certified a second time through The Life Coach school.  And then I figured out the solution to ending Niche Drama. 




I have been working with people to get their brains unstuck for almost 25 years, as a clinical psychotherapist.


I am really good at it.

We ALL have super powers. 

Mine is DISCOVERING other's super powers, it's literally my favorite thing to do.

End Niche Drama & get your IDEAL Niche Dialed.
And ALOT more. 


Because you are SO CLOSE to the finish line one more final sprint.
 It's the last 1/8 mile of the race. And it is a sprint. 
But I am here to run with you over the finish line, and I've got your water. 


Learn More
Image by Micheile Henderson

LIfe Coaches do such important work in the world. We help people create lives they could only dream of.  

But we cannot help others if we ourselves are in overwhelm, confusion, and drama about our Niche and who we should be coaching. 

Spinning and doubting our choices, second guessing ourselves, telling ourselves we are doing it all wrong, and that we can't be sure. Believing that we can't trust ourselves, and don't have the answers.


Everyone has unique experiences, gifts and   talents that are meant to be shared with the world. Coaching is one of the most amazing way to share these things and help others. 


Everyone on the planet has what I call superpowers- gifts, experiences, and talents  that they are meant to help others.

We all have them, and there is no denying them. 

You may not see yours or recognize them. But other people do, and with some curiosity you can find yours.  They are there, like gravity, molecules and air. Invisible but essential. 


And there are people out there desperately in need of your superpowers and your coaching, to so they can live their best lives.  


Ultimately staying in indecision not only hurts you, but it also hurts others who desperately need your coaching. 


Coaching is how we help ourselves and others create a clear and meaningful life.

But we need to learn to create clarity for ourselves FIRST, commit to your niche and then go out and share what we have to offer. 


As A Niche Coach, I am committed to helping coaches end their Niche Drama, commit to their Ideal Niche and create the business of their dreams.  So they can do meaningfully impact the the world. 


Why me?  Because I had to figure this exact problem out for myself. 

And the irony... For so long,  I was a coach without a Niche. And my superpower? Helping others find clarity and their own superpower.  Go Figure.  How is that for irony?



I spent most of my life, doubting myself and my choices.  Where to go to college, what to major in, where to live, what to choose as a career. And the list was never ending.  Always in doubt and confusion. Unable to decide and commit firmly to my choices  

And yet I am tenacious? (relentless even), my superpower always there right before my eyes. But I was too busy with my confusion and uncertainty to recognize it. 


I sat in YEARS of Confusion about so many things, my Coaching Niche overwhelm lasting 6 long years.  

I had so much doubt about my Niche, and so much Niche Drama that I literally couldn't think straight. 


What if I picked the wrong one?

What if I made a mistake?

What if someone else did it better than me?
What if I worked super hard but no one was interested?

What if…I failed?

What if…I succeeded?

What if ....

What if... 

What if ....



Looking for the answers outside of me, asking for advice, but not putting much faith in my own opinions. 



And when I did choose a niche, it was riddled with anxiety and doubt.


I was so paralyzed and afraid that I would make the wrong decision that in the end I gave up and made NO DECISION. 


I bounced from Niche to Niche , changing my mind over and over again, never committing to anything.  I creating so much Niche Drama for myself that a profitable Niche I loved could have been delivered to me on a silver platter and I wouldn't have recognized it. 




It felt AWFUL. 



I had to learn to call out the bullshit in my own mind.


I had to believe I could do this thing – build a successful coaching business, where people are excited to work with me – before I actually did it.

I had to embrace feeling uncomfortable doing what may not work, saying what some people may not respond to. 


I had to learn the only person who has my answers is me, not some outside guru.
I had to learn to have my own back, and not beat myself up when something did not work.
And I had to learn to keep going, to evaluate my work, to keep showing up for myself, no matter what.


I had to start listening to myself and committing to my decisions.


I had to step into my own superpower by creating the self-confidence I needed to take powerful action. ANY


The kind of Niche that I would love and that was like playing and fun, and built on the foundation of my talents, superpowers and experience. I want the same for you. A Niche that you adore, that rocks your world, that you feel clear and committed to. No matter what.


Because from there, everything else is in service to those people. And the rest is EASY. Really.


Curiosity and Examining our Mind is how we get from spinning in Niche Drama to committing to a Niche we love and a business we can only dream of. 


I have done this work myself, and the work I have shared with my clients.


If I was able to do it, I know you can too.


I can help

Image by Miroslava


Go From Niche Drama to Niche Clarity

Who: You and I ASAP


When: You pick the time right HERE.


What: Get coaching on your Niche

Confusion and how to move towards Niche Clarity.


Where: Using the Zoom Online Platform (super easy if you don't know it, it is such an important tool if you are a coach)


How: Using my Quickstart Strategy


Why: So you can get going ending your Niche Drama and Start building your Dream Business

Go from NICHE Confusion to NICHE Clarity FAST: 

What to expect: 


We'll dive right in and see where your confusion is coming from and strategies for you go get more clarity as you Narrow your Niche.


We will cover Niche Drama, Overwhelm, and  Confusions . You will walk  and you will walk away with these three actionable steps you can implement right away. 


You will come away with an actionable plan that works for you, using my Niche Focusing System.


I can hardly wait, come join me!!! 



Basket of Flowers

Niche Confusion was so very Comfortable for me....

Tell them about yourself and start to build rapport

Long Narrative goes here   3 headers 4 sets of caps






In 2012 I decided to add Life Coaching to my tool kit. My intention was to transition out of counseling and move to life coaching. But, this did not happen.During those 7 years I sat in Niche Drama and confusion. I don't recommend this. In fact I would like to make sure you avoid this all together. 


For a very long time, I didn't have a Life Coaching Niche.  


 This was me, not so long ago.  




Even thinking about choosing a niche leaves you feeling light headed, overwhelmed, confused and a little frustrated. 


You know that you NEED A NICHE.


You know that you should narrow and dial it in but you keep going round and round and round. 


You don't know where to start. 


You have too many ideas, or none at all, or your niche is too vague and you are NOT having a ball.


You really, really have tried.


 You paid all this money to become a coach, NOW what? 


You really just want have to give up. 


I have your Solution!!!!  




I have been there, oh have I been there. Niche drama for many many years!

For real. I get it. 

I'm a life coach twice trained and twice certified. I spent 8 years doing just what you are doing now. 


I started out as a psychotherapist almost 25 years ago. Then I got certified as a life coach in 2012 through Martha Beck International. And then I SPUN. And Spun and Spun and Spun , in confusion and overwhelm (speaking of dizziness!) 


In the meantime I used the coaching tools in my mental health private practice, and keep learning and working with people and their brains. 


Then in 2019 I decided to get certified a second time through The Life Coach school.  And then I figured out the solution to ending Niche Drama. 




I have been working with people to get their brains unstuck for almost 25 years, as a clinical psychotherapist.


I am really good at it.

We ALL have super powers. 

Mine is DISCOVERING other's super powers, it's literally my favorite thing to do.

End Niche Drama & get your IDEAL Niche Dialed.

And ALOT more. 




Because you are SO CLOSE to the finish line one more final sprint.

 It's the last 1/8 mile of the race. And it is a sprint. 

But I am here to run with you over the finish line, and I've got your water. 

I have been a master's level psychotherapist since 1996. During that time I have provided counseling and support for over  20,000 client hours.  I have spent my career learning how people's brains work. My passion has always been helping people live their best lives and making sure they realize what a large part is their brain/mind/thinking plays a role in their happiness.​I have worked help them. 

Details from your life that will support your expertise

Graduate of  Vassar College, with a Bachelors Degree in Sociology & Psychology.


-Masters Degree Social Work from University of Houston, and a classmate and friend of THE Brene Brown.


-Psychotherapist for 25 years.


-I'm twice certified as a Life Coach through MBI and LCS


-My superpower is finding other people's superpower.


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